St George’s Hall brings you top quality community cinema – big screen, surround-sound speakers and high definition movie projection.
Cinema in the Hall screened its first film in January 2014 and has entertained movie-goers most Thursdays since then.
Tickets for all shows are priced £6, unless otherwise stated, and are available in advance from the café in St George’s Hall or you can book your tickets online by clicking on the film titles on this page and collect them at the door on the night.
On Thursday evenings the Hall’s café bar opens at 6.45pm and the films start at 7.30pm prompt with no adverts and no preamble.
CRITICS' CHOICE: from time to time we will feature an independent or foreign film that has received outstandingly positive reviews and covers subject matter that we think will interest our audience.
Seats for Cinema in the Hall are sold on a non-allocated basis, and are arranged as theatre-style seating.
Ticketing is in person and on-line, if online purchases create difficulty please call the St. George's Hall office on 01299 400110.
Tickets are available from the Hall café and also on the door at the screening.
Films are shown each Thursday at 7:30pm (unless otherwise advised). Please ensure that you arrive at the venue at least 10 minutes before the programme time as we start the film promptly at the advertised time.
St. George's Hall, Load Street, Bewdley, Worcestershire, DY12 2EQ | 01299 400110 -
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