St George's Hall, Load Street, Bewdley, DY12 2EQ | Community Hub and Café | Cinema | Live Events | Rooms for Hire |     

St. George's Hall Bewdley Ltd

St George’s Hall Bewdley is a charitable organisation, operated by a charitable company governed by a Board of Trustees.

It is accountable to the Charity Commission for England and Wales, as well as to Companies House. Its Charity number is 7308516, and its Company number is 1136845.

St George’s Hall Bewdley was set up to ensure that the Hall provides a valuable service to the communities of Bewdley. More details of the remit of the Hall are given in its Articles of Association, which can be viewed by clicking on this link: Articles of Association.

As they are required to, trustees take their role seriously, and have developed a comprehensive system of governance to ensure that the Hall will be able to serve the community for the long term, and that risks to its operation are identified and managed.

The current trustees are:

Anita Bickerdike (Chair)
Steve Davies
Sue Humphries
Julian Knowles
Sonia Lloyd
Chris Noons
Jenny Robbins (Vice Chair)
Rod Stanczyszyn

The Hall has a team of four paid part time staff including the Hall manager Jane Barnett who is also company secretary.

St. George's Hall, Load Street, Bewdley, Worcestershire, DY12 2EQ | 01299 400110 -

Copyright 2023 St. George's Hall Bewdley Ltd, a Charitable Company registered in England No. 7308516 Registered Charity No. 1136845
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